Thursday, June 11, 2009

There are vegetarian restaurants in Barcelona!

I made my presentation at work today, and though it was supposed to be half an hour, it turned into an hour-long discussion about the project and my school and satellites in general. It was fun to see people interested in my work. I wish everyone had to give a presentation like that to me, so that I could know what they had worked on and what they are currently working on. As it is, I guess I'll just have to ask them as time goes on.

After work, I went for an extremely short run so that I could shower before some coworkers and my friend and I went out to a vegetarian restaurant for dinner. We went to Veg World India and had a great time. The food was good, it was nice not to have to think about whether things were vegetarian, and we had some great conversation. Discussing cultural differences can be very funny. We all laughed a lot. For the food people, I took some pictures of appetizers and dessert (I was too busy eating to take pictures of the main course):

Appetizers (the red thing in the middle is an onion)

Mango ice cream!

Those things they give you at the end that taste like licorice.

Afterwards, half of the people went home, and the rest of us walked around and enjoyed the evening for a little while. Like Madrid, there are a lot of people out and about late into the night, just hanging out and talking. What I don't understand is how they can get up early in the morning! (Maybe they sleep in...)

When I got home, I found myself thinking in Spanish, which makes me very happy! Just think what two more months of this will do for me!

I hope people don't stay at work until 6 on Fridays...


  1. Sounds like you're having a great time! You are making me hungry for Indian food. ~Courtney your crazy Orbital friend

  2. Good to talk to you earlier today. There will be things other than food in your blog, right?


  3. nice food posts! tell me how the manchego tastes...i miss it so much... :(
    does this mean i can atually talk to you in spanish now?

  4. Thinking in spanish already-wow!
