We had our housewarming party on Saturday night, and it was a ton of fun! A lot of our friends came, but we didn't get any noise complaints and no one spilled anything on the couch. I was too busy to take pictures, but I'll put some up soon of the apartment. It's getting more and more set up, and it's really fun!
On Sunday I went sailing with some people from my lab on a boat that belongs to one of the professors in the lab and her husband (are they married? not sure, but in any case they have a boat together). There were 14 of us altogether, and it was also a ton of fun! Here's a picture:
There's also a fun place to sit up in the front of the boat (called the bow, I now know):
And, as promised, this is a super quick post, so this is the end. But check back every once in a while, because I'll keep updating!
Read this one, too.